
Happy New Year! Plan your Resolutions Now!

Optimized-edited_WFBikeWith the New Year comes New Year’s Resolutions which usually means buying some new gym clothes, setting up a budget, and throwing away sugary foods.

One that always seems to evade our grasp is the resolution to eat right. We always start off the year with the best intentions, like buying more kale and throwing out the peanut butter cookies.

But by January 15th, we seem to have conveniently forgotten the greenery in the fridge and have started foraging for junk food in the pantry.

Fear not, citizen! There’s a new way to keep yourself loyal to your best intentions. Whole Foods makes it easy to follow through with your resolutions, offering healthy alternatives through their optimized online menu. Whole Foods is filled to the brim with healthy alternatives that will help you stay healthy, without forcing yourself to give up flavors you love.

Whether you’re a vegetarian, a carnivore, a vegan, an organic foods enthusiast, or just someone who wants to try something new this week, Whole Foods can cater to your every need. Check out their menu, and you will find anything from appetizers to allegro coffee to whole meals and entrees laid out for your ease of use. Because at the end of the day, you can do it all yourself. But you don’t have to.

Best of all, we can drop it off at your doorstep, meaning you have more time to use those gym clothes and jump on the cycle machine.

Check out the Whole Foods Online Menu to start planning your resolutions!