“Busiest lunch ever – 18 deliveries in 1.5 hours.” That was the message Jenn sent to our co-owner team last month on a day when Portland Pedal Power served over 340 people at numerous [...]
If you read the blog yesterday, you know that Portland Pedal Power will be representing Point West Credit Union this weekend at the PDX Bicycle Show. If that isn’t a good enough reason to [...]
The PDX Bicycle Show is going down this weekend, March 23rd and 24th at the Portland Expo Center. Let the drooling over brand new, shiny bikes begin! This year, your friendly neighborhood [...]
Are you in the mood for some comfort food? Skip the typical unhealthy fried food this time and try Kalé. Kalé, which is a simple spiced stew consisting of meat, onions, carrots, tomatoes, and [...]
It is no secret that Portland Pedal Power is growing. More customers rely on us to bring them food, groceries, and other products. More restaurants, publications, food carts, and stores partner [...]