Catch your favorite bicycle delivery and promotion company this weekend in NW/Downtown at Sunday Parkways. We’ll be proudly promoting ReDirect Guide and will have plenty of copies in the bikes for you. PPP and ReDirect Guide will also be at the Northeast Sunday Parkways on September 25th. On that day, you can also catch the 6th Annual Redirect Guide Green Sprouts Festival. What’s that, you say?
Please read on to find out…
The ReDirect Guide Green Sprouts Festival is a fun, festive and educational one-day event for the whole family that celebrates and promotes the nurturing of life through nature. From pregnancy to childhood, parents can learn about and explore eco-friendly, community-involved, natural, and healthy options to raising their families. The ReDirect Guide is excited to produce the 6th Annual Green Sprouts Festival in Portland. Sunday September 25th from 10am – 5pm at Peninsula Park.