Born out of Bike Summer in 2002, Shift was formed by a group of passionate riders who were interested in organizing all sorts of events for Portland’s bike community. Breakfast on Bridges (or BonB for short) was launched in January of 2003 to reward and encourage Portlanders for riding their bikes. Originally launched on the Hawthorne and Broadway Bridges, BonB had to make a move to the lower deck of the Steel Bridge because it was too successful for the limited amount of space on the Broadway.
After serving morning commuters for 10 years, Shift has seen steady growth in the number of cyclists riding across both BonB Bridges. They’re still handing out coffee and doughnuts on the last Friday of each month on the Hawthorne and the Steel, and they’ll be out every Friday morning during June to help celebrate Pedalpalooza. This year, Portland Pedal Power will be along for the ride, setting up at BonB on the Hawthorne Bridge, representing Point West Credit Union and handing out bike lights and tasty treats from Delicious Donuts!
Coffee and donut lovers will be happy to learn that in celebration of PDX Bike Month, PBOT will be hosting eight Bike Breakfasts “Off the Bridge” in the five quadrants of town. Click here to check out the locations of those breakfasts, as well as a calendar of other exciting events.
We’ll see you on the bridges!