Our fearless leader, Ken Wetherell, founder and co-owner of Portland Pedal Power was in a cycling accident. Again. Don’t worry though. Ken is a superhero, and he’s doing just fine. Again.

The League of American Bicyclists, which has been representing the interests of cyclists since 1880, “strongly recommends” the use of helmets while cycling. According to the League, a properly fitting helmet that is certified by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission can drastically decrease the risks of head injuries in a cycling accident. Their position on the issue states that “controlled studies have shown that a rider not wearing a helmet is between two and three times more likely to suffer a head injury in a crash than is a helmet wearer.” Those odds sure make it seem like wearing a helmet is a good idea.
For more information on bicycling safety, click here to check out the League of American Bicyclists.
Yes, new helmet each time! I love, love, love helmets. Would not ride without one. I hit some ice a few winters back right in the middle of a turn and went down fast on my hip and head. That one alone would have been a lights-outer. I think am done with the bike meets car thing.
Rad! I’m assuming he’s gotten a new helmet after each crash right???