Are you ready to see Portland in a way you’ve never seen it before? Well, get your bike ready, because it’s not too late to register for Providence Bridge Pedal 2013, going down this Sunday, August 11th, with ride starts between 6:45am and 9:15am!
Bridge Pedal gives cyclists and walkers the chance to ride or walk over all of Portland’s Willamette River bridges, from Sellwood to St. John’s, including the top decks of the Fremont and Marquam bridges. Four cycling routes are offered, from the 13 mile 6-Bridge Ride to the 11-Bridge Fremont Express Ride, a 36 mile ride that crosses every bridge in Portland except for the Morrison. Bridge Stride, the walking route, is a 5.5 mile loop that starts on top of the Fremont and also crosses the river on the Steel Bridge.
The Portland Pedal Power team will be tackling the 8-Bridge Ride this year, with a caravan of eight people and four Pyxis-equipped cargo bikes. We’ll be representing local businesses Bowery Bagels and Point West Credit Union, so be on the lookout for PPP bikes along the way. We’ll be rolling with Point West swag, including bike lights, safety whistles and information on bicycle loans and other great services from Point West.
Registration fees for the event range from $15 to $60, depending on the length of the route. There are discounts for youths from 13-19 and seniors, age 60 and over, and kids 12 and younger ride free on every route aside from the Fremont Express. The Fremont Express starts at 6:45am, and the rest of the rides start between 7:00 and 9:15am. Prepare for a large crowd, as Bridge Pedal is expected to attract about 20,000 people!
So clear your schedule on Sunday and take a bike ride on the Portland bridges this year! And say hello to PPP team members Ken, Jenn, Courtney, Fitz and Alex when you see them! We’ll see you there!