This is a guest blog from the Wellspring School of Healing Arts, an amazing program dedicated to providing training in Amma Bodywork Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Movement Arts, and Wholistic Nutrition. We’ve been telling everyone in the Portland area about the benefits of attending the Wellspring School for Healing Arts, and now they have some great advice on how to fully embrace Spring! Check out Wellspring’s website, and keep reading for more information!
Given how much Portlanders anticipate Spring every year, we imagine by now you’ve already done some spring cleaning and transitioning. Maybe you’ve put away your fleece jacket, had breakfast on the porch a few times, or picked up some Oregon-grown purple carrots at the farmers market.
Don’t stop there! We suggest you keep up that momentum and really make the most of Spring by refreshing stale routines and bringing new growth and energy to all areas of your life.
Need some concrete ideas? The Wellspring has a couple of opportunities coming up for you:
Put some spring on your plate: Whole Foods Cooking (May 31st – June 1st)
Learn how to step up your kitchen skills and integrate seasonal, nutritious foods into your daily meals and snacks in the popular Whole Foods Cooking weekend class May 31 – June 1. You’ll discover tasty substitutions for your gluten-free, vegetarian, and dairy-free friends (or yourself), too!
See what springs to mind: Shen Qigong (Starting May 14th)
Do some internal spring cleaning for your body and mind with Shen Qigong, a series of standing and seated postures said to promote focus and clarity. This practice has been around for over 1,300 years – we’d call that time-tested. Classes will be held every Wednesday, 12:30 – 1:30, starting May 14.
Refresh your work life: Amma Bodywork Therapy
Ready for some bigger changes? Perhaps a career in holistic health care is just the path for you. The Wellspring is now enrolling for their professional Amma Bodywork Therapy certification program. Beyond the powerful bodywork component, Amma Therapy also integrates Chinese Medicine, nutrition, herbs, movement, and personal development. Think acupuncture without the needles.
To find out more about any of these, head to The Wellspring’s Classes Page, or stop by one of the next open houses on May 6 and June 10 (5:30 – 7:00 pm both days). Go ahead, it will still be light outside!