We are partnering with the Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington (GSOSW) next week for cookie week! The first 25 orders of $100 or more will receive free boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. So get em’ quick!
As much as we all love those cookies, the Girl Scouts are about so much more — working to encourage and empower young girls to be all that they can be, to learn more and do more. We encourage you to get involved, volunteer, or enroll your kids. Lets support these scouts in pursuing the adventure and experiences that will shape their lives!
If you’re looking to volunteer, GSOSW is proud to offer world class training programs to help volunteers gain the confidence, skills, and information they need to be successful in their role. Whether you have a day, a week or a year, you CAN make a difference in the life of a girl. Learn more about volunteering.
Here are some of the awesome upcoming things the Girl Scouts are doing:
Outdoor education: One of the best ways for Girl Scouts to experience the outdoors is through day camp and resident camp programs. Families can learn all about resident camp programs by watching this AMAZING video showing these programs in action.
STEM education (Science Technology, Engineering and Math): The Girl Scouts council has put a strong focus on helping girls learn and grow through STEM programming.
Examples are the upcoming Space Exploration Night at the University of Portland (Saturday, March 19 – registration will open 2/22 at girlscoutsosw.org); Girl Scout participation in robotics programs; digital literacy programs in the Digital Media Studio (new programs open 2/22 – details at girlscoutsosw.org); and our council’s participation in the Digital Cookie program, helping girls develop and practice online marketing, budgeting, resource allocation and ecommerce skills through the Girl Scout Cookie Program. I wish I’d had this when I was in Girl Scouts! So cool!
Travel adventures: Girl Scouts is offering three amazing travel opportunities for high-school age girls to San Francisco, Arizona, and Mexico. Girls will help plan the trip, can fundraise to subsidize the cost of travel, and will receive support (safety, packing, budgeting, etc.) in preparing for these trips. For more information about these opportunities and how to qualify, contact Jennifer Akins at [email protected].
Gold Award: Girl Scouts is celebrating 100 years of the Girl Scout Gold Award, and they’re looking to reconnect with award recipients in the area. If you earned the Girl Scout Gold Award or its equivalents (The Golden Eagle of Merit, The Golden Eaglet, Curved Bar, or First Class), go online to share how your project made the world a better place.